teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 13 – Text-based Level Editor

Agenda what ?s program this generating levels in TankTank TODO For Friday’s 1/4 sheet, post a level in the comments of this post. Design it in a typewriter front, using # for walls, . for passages, and 1 and 2 for tank placement. It won’t line up neatly, but I’ll copy and paste it into […]

CS 145 Lecture 17 – Bifurcations

Agenda what ?s program this bifurcations TODO Tomorrow in lab is our third quiz. Prepare a question (or two or three, in case yours gets nabbed by someone else) to share with your lab group before the quiz. New topics we’ve hit upon include: relational operators and logical operators. Questions should be quick to answer. […]

CS 145 Lecture 16 – Diversions

Agenda what ?s boolean bingo what does this do? computer as pilot TODO Read chapter 4 through section 4.1 in your book. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions, observations, or examples of conditional sequences you see in your life. For extra credit participation: Read about the bitwise operators AND (&), OR (|), XOR […]

CS 491 Lecture 12 – Tanks and Teleporting

Agenda what ?s projectiles multiplayer teleporting Code b12e886 Haiku

SIGCSE Madeup Workshop

I submit a lot of papers, workshops, and grants. Many are rejected, but occasionally one will get accepted. Like this one, a workshop to be presented at SIGCSE 2016 in Memphis, TN: Abstract Madeup is a text- and blocks-based programming language for making things up—literally. Programmers write sequences of commands to move and turn through […]

CS 145 Lecture 15 – Tools for Logic

Agenda what ?s tree Venn truth tables TODO Start homework 3. It’s due before October 19. I improved the SpecChecker’s missing method error messages. To get it, you will need to Sync on Bitbucket and pull the changes into Eclipse. Unless you modified things in the readonly directory, you will not encounter any conflicts. I […]

CS 491 Lecture 11 – Tanktack

Agenda what ?s game loop discussion TankTack: a Combat clone TODO Do one or more of the following: Watch Unity’s latest live training: Basic 2D Dungeon Generation. Read up on maze classification. Read up on maze generation algorithms. For Friday, write down on a 1/4 sheet 2-3 statements that teach others who picked a different […]

Tile Shuffle

    Click the tile adjacent to the blank tile to move it to that square. Complete the picture!

CS 145 Homework 3 – due before October 19

See the PDF.

Prospectus – Thomas, Tim, Mike R

We would like our players to have the experience of a comedic top-down adventure game. Our game will cause our players to feel as if they are freeing our protagonist from their boring office life, and helping them towards a more exciting existence. We want our players to be emotionally connected to our protagonist, and […]

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