teaching machines

CS 268: Project 1 Rubric

Your project 1 submission will be graded using the rubric below. Your site will be evaluated on five dimensions. For each dimension, I list a sample of the questions that I will use to structure my evaluation. Content Is the content original, not placeholder text or copy lifted from elsewhere? Does the site incorporate a […]

Introducing Flexercise

I remember reading C for Dummies when I was in middle school. Mom would drive us home and I would read. I wanted to learn how to program, but all I could do was read about it. I didn’t have a way to write any C code. Eventually I saved up some money and bought […]

CS 268: Lecture 10 – Absolute Positioning and Media Queries

Dear students: Today we’ll look at how we can use absolute positioning to achieve dropdown menus and then take our first steps into the world of responsive web design. Absolute Position We saw last time that an element with an absolute position is anchored against the box of its nearest non-static ancestor. This kind of […]

CS 268: Lecture 9 – Position Continued

Dear students: Last time we started exploring the position property of CSS. We examined relative positioning only, but we didn’t see a compelling use case for why we’d want anything but static positioning. I hope to address that today by looking at fixed and absolute positioning, which can be used to achieve useful layout effects. […]