teaching machines

Freelance App Postmortem

December 8, 2014 by . Filed under cs436, fall 2014, postmortems.


This app will enable a user to create an account with a username and password that is stored in a remote database.  The user can then customize his or her profile.  All of the textual information is read in using JSON web service.  This enables the user to customize the entire site’s language among three different languages, French, English, and Spanish.  The site’s visitor information is tracked by google analytics using both javascript and Cordova plugins.  In addition to customizing the app’s language, the user can specify his/ or her freelance business category from 13 different categories.  Once the profile is set up, the user can search for local businesses that pertain to the specified business type, which uses GPS geolocation and nearby places.  This will help the user find local businesses to partner with.  The app utilizes Cordova/ Phonegap and has plugins for Android, iOS, and Firefox OS


– Web Service (JSON)
– Phonegap/ Cordova
– Remote Database
– Three Languages
– Google Analytics




Modifications and Challenges

I did not change much from the premortem.  The app was originally going to use geolocation to find the user and other users in the area, but instead it finds local businesses.  I think I may implement that feature in the future though.  There were a few tricky components to this app.  The first one was simply getting Cordova set up.  After that, I had some problems with getting the login to work and the database set up, but the rest of the app fell into place once all the queries were working and I could read in data from a JSON file.  Using Cordova was definitely different, but I really enjoy creating webpages, so it was fun working with HTML and javascript.


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