teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 38 – Dealing with Temporaries

May 6, 2016 by . Filed under cs330, lectures, spring 2016.




Today we start with a brief reading from The Design and Evolution of C++ of Stroustrup’s philosophical leanings that shaped the C++ language.

Then we finish up our twoface example that we’ve been using to discuss object-oriented programming. We’ll fix the issue we ended on last time with our file output. We’ll add a second constructor for reading in images, and at long last, we’ll be able to split-and-merge two images. We’ll overload the | operator to accomplish this, but we’ll encounter an issue that pervades most programming languages: how do we transfer local function data back to the caller? We have several options to choose from: invoke a copy constructor, dynamically allocate the local data, or invoke move semantics.

Move semantics were introduced in C++11. We must write a move constructor, which is like a copy constructor. We can summarize the responsibilities of a move constructor:

  1. Claim ownership of the source object’s data.
  2. Null out any dynamically allocated memory in source object that would be released by the constructor.



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