teaching machines

CS 352 Lecture 27 – If * 3

November 11, 2016 by . Filed under cs352, fall 2016, lectures.

Dear students,

Let’s do another Program This:

Translate the following code to ARM assembly:
if n >= 0 && n <= 9
  print 'digit'

A straightforward implementation might take this approach:

  mov r1, #0
  mov r2, #0

  // Let's assume n is in r0.
  cmp r0, #0
  movgt r1, #1
  cmp r0, #9
  movlt r2, #1

  and r3, r1, r2
  cmp r3, #1
  bne after
  ldr r0, =message
  bl printf


We put conditional predicates on the mov instructions. If both r1 and r2 get set, then we print.

The problem with this is that we have violated the short-circuiting semantics of the && operator. If the first clause is false, we don’t even consider the second. Short-circuiting is important, and a lot of code relies on it. Like this snippet:

str.length() > 0 && str.charAt(0) == '<'

We should not touch any part of the second clause unless we know the first is true. We can implement this like so:

  cmp r0, #0
  blt after

  cmp r9, #9
  bgt after

  ldr r0, =message
  bl printf


One interesting takeaway from this example is that the && operation from our high-level language does not actually translate into an and instruction. Many high-level constructs become something completely different at the low-level, defying one’s intuition!

If we have time, we’ll do a comparison between conditional branching and simpler predicated instructions. Here’s a program that generates a bunch of random numbers and then branches to an odd or even count instruction:

.global main

  push {lr}

  mov r0, #133
  bl srand

  mov r4, #0 // i
  mov r7, #0 // count of odds
  mov r8, #0 // count of evens
  b check
  bl rand
  and r0, r0, #1

  cmp r0, #1
  beq odd
  add r8, r8, #1
  b after
  add r7, r7, #1

  add r4, r4, #1

  ldr r6, =n
  ldr r6, [r6]
  cmp r4, r6
  bne loop

  mov r0, r5

  pop {lr}
  mov pc, lr

  .word 100000000 

We’ll rewrite this without the branches and time both versions using perf from the linux-tools package:

perf_4.4 stat --repeat=2 -e cpu-clock ./myprogram

We’ll close with one or two array processing examples:

See you next class!


P.S. It’s Haiku Friday!

pc pinpoints code
Pounces cat-like, like popcorn
Propels computing

P.P.S. Here’s the code we wrote together…


int n = 17;

void in_range() {
  if (n >= 0 && n <= 9) {
    printf("in range");


.global main

  push {lr}

  ldr r0, =numbers  // r0 = &numbers
  mov r1, #0        // r1 = 0
  b check

  add r1, r1, r2    // r1 += r2
  add r0, r0, #4    // r0 += 4

  ldr r2, [r0]      // r2 = *r0
  cmp r2, #0
  bne loop

  ldr r0, =message
  bl printf

  pop {lr}
  mov pc, lr

  .word 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

  .asciz "The sum is %d!\n"