CS 396: Meeting 1 – Resumes
Dear students,Welcome to CS 396! This class is about life after school. Mostly this means your career, but we are more than workers, so we will discuss being a human too.
Each week in this class, someone else will be up front. The first four weeks will be led by Alyssa Slaby from Career Services here at UWEC. The remainder of the semester we will host guests from various companies.
So, I myself don’t really know what’s going to happen in this class. I will let Alyssa take over, but I leave you some things to do before next time:
- Read the syllabus.
- I have mixed feelings about LinkedIn. I disagree with some of its terms of service, but I have found it extremely useful in connecting students and employers. I encourage you to create an account and connect to me.
- Read Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You.
- Read An opinionated guide to writing developer resumes in 2017.
- Read Resumes suck. Here’s the data.
- Discuss these articles in your small group Slack channel. Consider answering these questions:
- What ideas from the readings are most interesting, disturbing, confirming, or life-changing?
- Are there points you disagree with? Initiate a respectful debate.
- What experiences from your life align or do not align with the articles?
See you next class!

P.S. It’s time for a haiku!
Should I include it?
Mobilized DDoS attack
Oh, why was I young?