CS 396: Meeting 3 – Resume Reviews
Dear students,Today Alyssa and her colleagues from Career Services will help us review resumes.
Here’s your TODO list for next time:
- If you registered, attend the career breakfast on Thursday morning. Check in with me after you’ve met some employers, and I’ll credit your participation. I strongly encourage you to attend the larger career fair too.
- Read Why you’re probably not enjoying your job very much.
- Read Finding Flow.
- Discuss these articles in your small group Slack channel. Consider answering these questions:
- What have you done or will you do to make work enjoyable?
- What ideas from the readings are most interesting, disturbing, confirming, or life-changing?
- Are there points you disagree with? Initiate a respectful debate.
- What experiences from your life align or do not align with the articles?
- Two extra credit Blugolds are available to anyone who presents at the Chippewa Valley Code Camp on November 11. Talks can be on anything related to technology.
See you next class!

P.S. It’s time for a haiku!
Is life school then work?
Maybe, but without either
It’d be really short