CS 396: Meeting 5 – Graduate School
Dear students,
Today, Hannah Miller of the University of Minnesota will share with us about a different sort of future: graduate school, which may lead to academia, a research scientist position, or who knows what.
Hannah and I collaborated on a research project several years ago. Our mission was to build a social network for individuals with aphasia. On that project, I felt like we were actually doing good directly for the world. It was a great feeling. Hannah graduated from UWEC, landed a gig at the University of Minnesota, and is somewhere on her path to a PhD. Just don’t ask when she’ll finish. Never ask that of a graduate student.
Here’s your TODO list for next time:
- Our theme for next week is the tension between collaboration and isolation in our workplaces. Please read the following articles:
- Discuss these articles in your small group Slack channel. Consider answering these questions:
- What ideas from the readings are most interesting, disturbing, confirming, or life-changing?
- Are there points you disagree with? Initiate a respectful debate.
- What experiences from your life align or do not align with the articles?
See you next class!

P.S. It’s time for a haiku!
The workforce needs me
Like volcanoes need virgins
Hey look, lunch is free