CS 396: Meeting 8 – General Mills
Dear students,
Today we welcome Ashley Nelson from General Mills. She’s going to share with us about her task of keeping up a large-scale infrastructure. I had the honor of having her as a student in ComS 227. The class met in Carver Hall, and the room had tables—tall ones. She set in the middle section, but a little to the right. I think.
Sadly, as often happens with teachers and students, I never really heard from her again, because I left Iowa State University, where she got her degree. That is, until a few months ago, when a mutual friend told me she was doing amazing things that my students would benefit from hearing about. Thus she stands before us this afternoon.
Next week, Dan Ernst from Cray will be our guest.
Here’s your TODO list for next time:
- Our theme for next week are the benefits and costs of easy information—as facilitated by technology. Please read the following articles:
- Discuss these articles and any related articles that you want to bring into the discussion in your small group Slack channel. Consider answering these questions:
- What strategies do you have for staying on task?
- What ideas from the readings are most interesting, disturbing, confirming, or life-changing?
- Are there points you disagree with? Initiate a respectful debate.
- What experiences from your life align or do not align with the articles?
See you next class!