CS 396: Meeting 9 – Cray
Dear students,
Today we welcome Dan Ernst from Cray to our class. He’s going to lead us in a discussion about where our industry is headed in terms of hardware. You probably think Dan is a complete stranger, a separate human being whose life has run completely independently of yours. Like two processes on two different computers. But I beg to differ. If you were ever in the JAMF Lab your in your first years at UWEC, you might have seen a 3D grid of LEDs on the counter taking up a lot of space. That thing was one of Dan’s footprints, for Dan once held an office just down the hall. He served as a faculty member here before being lured away by his dream job at Cray.
Before that he got his PhD in computer engineering from the University of Michigan. Before that he got his Bachelors in computer engineering from Iowa State, just like Ashley from last week.
Next week, Jonathan Gardner from Cisco will be our guest.
Here’s your TODO list for next time:
- The 10th annual Chippewa Valley Code Camp takes places this Saturday from 7:45 to 5 PM at CVTC—which is just up the hill. Attend, learn some stuff from industry speakers, and receive an extra credit Blugold by writing up a response in a direct message on Slack. If you plan to attend, you need to RSVP as soon as possible.
- Our theme for the week is
. Find an article of your choosing on some technology-related topic that has changed your thinking or might benefit others. - Discuss your article in your small group Slack channel. Consider answering these questions:
- What ideas from the readings are most interesting, disturbing, confirming, or life-changing?
- Are there points you disagree with? Initiate a respectful debate.
- What experiences from your life align or do not align with the articles?
See you next class!