CS 240: Lecture 14 – Queue Lab
Dear students:
Today we will devote our entire time together to a lab on queues. Follow these guidelines:
- You may work with one other person. If there’s an odd number of people, one group of three is permitted.
- Complete the lab using a single computer. Take turns at the keyboard. Talk to each other.
- When you have completed the lab, zip up just the required source files. IntelliJ doesn’t have a feature for this. Right-click on your source folder, open the folder in your file explorer, and use your operating system’s archiving tools to make the zip file.
- Upload the lab to Autolab.
- Run the Autolab tests as often as you’d like.
- If you submit as a group, you must submit to Autolab correctly. No credit will be granted for failed group submissions.
Ask lots of questions.
- Submit the lab before 11 PM on Monday.
- Complete the second take of mastery quiz 3 before the end of Sunday.
- Complete the first take of mastery quiz 4 before the end of Sunday.
- Read 8.01 of OpenDSA.
- Read the excerpt on recurrence relations.
- Keep working on the IntSet assignment.
See you next time.