CS 240: Lecture 40 – Path Algorithms Lab
Dear students:
Today we will devote our entire time together to a lab on graph algorithms. Follow these guidelines:
- You may work with one other person. If there’s an odd number of people, one group of three is permitted.
- Upload the required files to Autolab.
- Run the Autolab tests as often as you’d like.
- Group submission is no longer allowed. It causes pain.
Ask lots of questions.
- Submit the lab on Autolab before Monday at 11 PM.
- Complete the second take of mastery quiz 11 before the end of Sunday.
- There are no more mastery quizzes after retake 11.
- If you are participating in the Advent of Code extra credit opportunity, please join my private leaderboard. The code is shared on Slack. Watch there for more details about the extra credit.
See you next time.