CS 145 Lecture 2 – More data, more instructions
- what does this do?
- literals vs. variables
- a few more types (int, char, boolean)
- penny RAM
- a few more instructions (cos, pow)
Javadoc- String
What does this do?
- int a = 7;
int b = 3;
b = a + b; - int i;
System.out.println(i); - int i = 100;
System.out.println(i / 0);
package preexam1; public class Day2 { public static void main(String[] args) { double myNum = 6.7; int brettsFavoriteNumber = 9; char debrasFavoriteLetter = 'd'; boolean isNickAPackersFan = false; // true // float foo; // long bigNumber; // short smallNumber; // byte aReallySmallNumber; int l1 = (int) 13.6; int l2 = (int) 23.0; // int foo = 92384920348203948230942309; System.out.println("A really big int:"); System.out.println(Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(Integer.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println(l1); // double h = square root of l1 squared + l2 squared; // double h = Math.sqrt(0.0 / 0.0); String label = "The hypotenuse:"; System.out.println(label); double h = Math.sqrt(l1 * l1 + l2 * l2); System.out.println(h); int nSiblings = 1; String gavInfo = "Gavin has " + nSiblings + " siblings"; System.out.println(gavInfo); } }
Please sign up for an account at Practice-It. Sign up under UWEC, and add CS 145 as one of your courses. Before 8 AM on Monday, complete:
- Self-check 2.4
- Self-check 2.8
- Exercise 2.1
No credit will be given after 8 AM.
Strings, celebrities!
They’re always getting quoted
They’re sure characters
They’re always getting quoted
They’re sure characters