CS 330 Lecture 7 – Finishing SLOWGO, a first Makefile, and a calculator
- smart compilation with Make
- add drawing in to SLOWGO
ANTLRWORKS = $(HOME)/bin/antlrworks-1.4.3.jar SLOWGOInterpreter.class: SLOWGOInterpreter.java SLOWGOLexer.class SLOWGOParser.class javac -cp $(ANTLRWORKS):. SLOWGOInterpreter.java SLOWGOLexer.class: SLOWGOLexer.java javac -cp $(ANTLRWORKS) SLOWGOLexer.java SLOWGOParser.class: SLOWGOParser.java javac -cp $(ANTLRWORKS) SLOWGOParser.java SLOWGOLexer.java SLOWGOParser.java: SLOWGO.g java -cp $(ANTLRWORKS) org.antlr.Tool SLOWGO.g clean: rm -f *.class
grammar SLOWGO; @members { private int x = 0; private int y = 0; private int theta = 0; private boolean isDrawing = false; } program @init { System.out.println("axis equal"); System.out.println("hold on"); } : command+ ; command : ROTATE NUMBER NEWLINE { theta = (theta + Integer.parseInt($NUMBER.text)) \% 360; } | FORWARD NUMBER NEWLINE { int distance = Integer.parseInt($NUMBER.text); int oldX = x; int oldY = y; x += (int) (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)) * distance); y += (int) (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)) * distance); if (isDrawing) { System.out.printf("plot([\%d \%d], [\%d \%d])\%n", oldX, x, oldY, y); } } | DRAW state NEWLINE { isDrawing = $state.isOn; } ; state returns [boolean isOn] : ON { $isOn = true; } | OFF { $isOn = false; } ; NUMBER : '-'? ('0'..'9')+ ; ROTATE : 'rotate' ; FORWARD : 'forward' ; ON : 'on' ; OFF : 'off' ; DRAW : 'draw' ; WHITESPACE : (' ' | '\t') {skip();} ; NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n' ;
This rule changed my life:
prog -> stat* EOF
{ print "Thanks for your code. :)" }
prog -> stat* EOF
{ print "Thanks for your code. :)" }