teaching machines

Homework 1 TODO

September 5, 2012 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2012, postmortems.

I read the syllabus!

Strobe Light: It uses the camera flash and just turns it off and on over and over as quickly as possible. Maybe have a scale on the screen to change rate. Playing music through the app from the phone memory would be a cool feature as well.

Note Widget: It simply lists notes on a page of the phone. It would preferably be a widget so you do not have to open app to see the note.

GPS: Use the GPS in the phone to get longitude and latitude of current location. Also the speed you are going using the accelerometer.

Gesture Recognition: Using the accelerometer it can determine what gesture you are making when you hold the phone in your hand and move your arm. For example, making a circle in the air (This would probably be really hard, but sounds like an interesting project).

Tic Tac Toe: Simple game of tick tac toe. Two player and One player modes, with different AI levels. You move by taping desired space.