teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 6 – ListView and Adapters

September 25, 2012 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2012, lectures.

Before class


Before our next class:

Here’s a brief outline of the video’s contents:

  1. A need for series data widgets
  2. Several: ListView, GridView, Spinner
  3. Create a String array
  4. TextToSpeech
  5. onItemClick to speak
  6. onLongItemClick to delete
  7. addHeaderView
  8. creating a TextView programmatically


Before our next class:

Here’s a brief outline of the video’s contents:

  1. Custom lists
  2. Make a model
  3. Make a layout
  4. Make an adapter
  5. Construct it
  6. Override getView
  7. Inflate from XML

In class

With your partner, code up a little image gallery viewer, following these guidelines: