CS 491 Lecture 8 – Animations and Databases
Before class
Before class, please do the following:
- Watch http://youtu.be/GTz5xhG6haU.
- Read the non-technical http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/03/speech-input-api-for-android.html.
Before class, please do the following:
- Watch http://youtu.be/AxEzQ_EApkU.
- Read http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#db.
In class
With your partner, construct an app that:
- Creates a database with a user table. (Don’t worry about dynamically inserting new accounts for now.)
- Stores usernames and passwords in the table. (For simplicity, store passwords in the clear, even though its a bad idea.)
- Has an activity that prompts the user for a username and password.
- Pops up a happy Toast on authentication.
- Shakes the surrounding view on failed authentication. Create a res/anim/shake.xml that translates from xDelta 0 to xDelta 10 in 1 second. Create a res/anim/cycle.xml with a cycleInterpolator element and a cycles attribute of 7. Add to the translate an interpolator attribute that references your interpolator.