CS 491 Lecture 6 – Group Time
- group time
- Skim Apple’s table view documentation.
- Skim a tutorial on Android’s ListView.
- 1/4 sheet.
Hash Out
- Does someone want to be the iOS person? The Android person? The database person? The server person? The manager? Do we want to share roles?
- How can we ensure everyone knows what’s going on?
- What project management service will we use? Why? Who will set it up? (Include johnch@uwec.edu.)
- Given the requirements for Acknet, what will we need for screens? How will they flow?
- What do you need to learn to accomplish your next goal?
- How should we evaluate our work in this class?
Scrum Questions
What did I accomplish?
What will I do next?
What obstacles are impeding my progress?