teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 2 – Blendering

January 28, 2016 by . Filed under gamedev3, lectures, spring 2016.




Today we’ll briefly review some Blender shortcuts that you should have learned about from the videos. For our lab activity, I present to you a series of objects made in Blender, and its the responsibility and a lab partner to reverse engineer and reconstruct them.

  1. A capsule. For maximal learning, make the caps fit exactly.
  2. A flattened octodonut. Use the operator panel to control the subdivision.
  3. A stack of beveled boxes. Use a bevel modifier. Use the Duplicate tool or Shift-D to duplicate an object.
  4. A hexagon of cylinders. Position these exactly. One could type their locations in by hand, but that’s too much work. Instead add a circle. Use the operator panel to make it a hexagon. Hit TAB to go into edit mode. Right-click on a vertex to select it. Hit Shift-S and move the 3D cursor to the selected vertex. Then hit Shift-A to add a cylinder. Set the radius to 0.2 in the operator panel. Repeat for the remaining 5 vertices.
  5. A bowl. Use boolean modifiers. Try naming your objects to make identifying them in the hierarchy easier.
  6. A smoothed cone and rectangular prism. Use the subdivision surface modifier. The object on the right started off as a cube.
  7. A Suzanne net. Check out the subdivision surface and wireframe modifiers. What order do you want them in?

If you finish these early, make something for a friend!

We’ll do these together:

  1. A gizmo.
  2. Add the gizmo into Unity and make it spin forever!