CS 145 Lecture 6 – Methods 2
- what does this do?
- the separation between caller and callee
- building a snowman
- method chaining
What does this do?
public static String ?(??) { return text + " :)"; }
public static ? ??(String text) { return text.length() == 0; }
public static ? ??(String text) { int index = text.indexOf('.'); return text.substring(0, index + 1); }
public static ? ??(Random generator, Scanner in) { return generator.nextInt() == in.nextInt(); }
<h4>Area.java</h4> <pre class="code"> package preexam1; public class Area { public static void main(String[] args) { double r1 = 5; // java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); double area = getArea(8); System.out.println(r1); } public static double getArea(double radius) { radius = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return Math.PI * radius * radius; } } </pre> <h4>Snowperson.java</h4> <pre class="code"> package preexam1; import java.util.Random; public class Snowperson { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("<html>"); System.out.println("<body>"); System.out.println("<h1>My first SVG</h1>"); System.out.println("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" version=\"1.1\">"); Random generator = new Random(); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println(getSnowperson(generator.nextInt(400), 50)); System.out.println("</svg>"); System.out.println("</body>"); System.out.println("</html>"); } public static String getSnowperson(int x, int y) { int headRadius = 15; int torsoRadius = 20; int bottomRadius = 30; String bottom = getCircleTag(x, y + headRadius + 2 * torsoRadius + bottomRadius, bottomRadius, "green"); String torso = getCircleTag(x, y + headRadius + torsoRadius, torsoRadius, "green"); String head = getCircleTag(x, y, headRadius, "green"); // String joined = head + torso + bottom; // return joined; return head + torso + bottom; } public static String getCircleTag(int x, int y, int radius, String color) { return "<circle cx=\"" + x + "\" cy=\"" + y + "\" r=\"" + radius + "\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" fill=\"" + color + "\" />"; } } </pre>
“Beware the blackHole()!”
But that method’s just legend.
It’s not in the docs…
But that method’s just legend.
It’s not in the docs…