CS 330 Lecture 34 – Fold, Tail Recursion, and Lambdas
- what ?s
- think about this
- all, any, sum, product, size, join
- tail recursion
- fold/reduce/inject
- lambdas in Java
- lambdas in Ruby
- lambdas in C++
Think About This
Consider our definitions for map'
and filter'
map' f [] = []
map' f (first:rest) = f first : map' f rest
filter' f [] = []
filter' f (first:rest)
| f first = first : filter' f rest
| otherwise = filter' f rest
What are the type signatures of map'
and filter'
stringify l = map (\n -> show n) l
all' :: [Bool] -> Bool
all' [] = True
all' (first:rest) = first && all' rest
any' :: [Bool] -> Bool
any' [] = False
any' (first:rest) = first || any' rest
sum' [] = 0
sum' (first:rest) = first + sum' rest
product' [] = 1
product' (first:rest) = first * product' rest
sumTail' sumSoFar [] = sumSoFar
sumTail' sumSoFar (first:rest) = sumTail' (sumSoFar + first) rest
fold' mix accum [] = accum
fold' mix accum (first:rest) = fold' mix (mix accum first) rest
Papa Bear: “Names shnames.”
Mama Bear: “Name your whitespace.”
Baby bear: “Lambdas.”
Mama Bear: “Name your whitespace.”
Baby bear: “Lambdas.”