teaching machines

Madeup Status Report #5

The summer is drawing to a close. Madeup has come a long way since May! Some big features remain (like support for holes, a persistent server for generating models, and some support for splines), but the core path-walking mechanic is stable and enough hands have touched it and not founding glaring errors that I think […]

Hibbard 100

Hibbard 100 Waiting to be filled with minds Waiting to be filled

Madeup Status Report #4

Fixlog My goal for reporting my updates in two-week chunks was blown to smithereens by a week-long summer camp for middle schoolers that I put on last week. So, let me summarize what’s been going on these past few weeks topically instead of chronologically. Storage The part of releasing Madeup to the public that has scared me the […]

Madeup Status Report #3

These past two weeks were host to a considerable number of bug fixes and model generation tweaks. Dowels can be rounded and their thickness can be changed. Better geometry is generated for surfaces of revolution and extrusion. And the user interface feels much more coherent and better remembers users’ settings. Read below for a daily breakdown […]

Madeup Status Report #2

Madeup saw a major behind-the-scenes shift this fortnight: I switched to a handwritten lexer and parser! I can honestly say my life has improved significantly since the change. Parser generators are great, but I’m not sure decoupling a grammar specification from the code that recognizes utterances conforming to that grammar is really what we want to […]

Madeup Status Report #1

The reason I became a teacher is so that I can do 1000 things in a day. I design homeworks; write grading unit tests; plan and deliver lectures; read up on relevant news and research; review academic papers; read books on things I don’t know enough about; compose haiku; serve on various university committees; oversee independent studies; meet […]

CS 330 Final

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 40 – Exit

Agenda what ?s review time Haiku

CS 455 Lecture 26 – Shadows

Agenda what ?s shadow mapping TODO As a lab exercise: Sync with the class repo to get the shadows starter project. Render the scene to find three rotating spheres. We first need a texture to hold a picture of the scene from the light’s point of view. Instead of storing color, however, we only need […]

CS 455 Lecture 25 – Projective Texturing

Agenda what ?s projective texturing TODO As a lab exercise: Sync with the class repository to get the batsignal starter project. Run it and explore the scene. Notice the cone in the center of the cube. That’s our light source. It will project a bat signal onto the walls of the surrounding cube. Let’s first […]

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