teaching machines

CS 347: Lab 7 – Slideshow

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in a handful of exercises, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the screen sharer. Screen sharer, share your screen […]

CS 347: Lecture 7 – Position: Relative and Fixed

Dear students: The early web was a place for sharing documents, while the modern web seems to be a place for sharing applications. Key to this transition is the position property of CSS, which allowed us to start stacking elements on top of one another. We begin our discussion of this property today. We’ll also […]

CS 347: Lab 6 – Flexbox Expansion

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in a handful of exercises, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the screen sharer. Screen sharer, share your screen […]


CS 347: Lecture 6 – Flexbox: Expansion

Dear students: Last time we began our examination of Flexbox, focusing on the distribution and alignment of flex-children within their flex-parent. Now we turn to sizing the children and expanding them using a relational weight system. With the various properties of flex-parents and flex-children, we are able to achieve many standard user interface patterns. Here’s […]

CS 347: Frequently Asked Questions

I ran sudo service apache2 restart and there was an error. Often this means you have a syntax error or some other configuration issue in your host’s .conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available. To see what line is causing it, run these two commands: sudo service apache2 restart; sudo journalctl -xe There are two commands there, separated […]

CS 347: Lab 5 – Flex

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in a handful of exercises, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the screen sharer. Screen sharer, share your screen […]

CS 347: Lecture 5 – Flexbox: Distribution and Alignment

Dear students: The web is still young, and its immaturity puts a lot of burden on developers. From time to time, however, a new feature emerges that actually makes their job easier. One of those new burden-lifting features is Flexbox, a modern layout system. In this lecture, we explore the power that Flexbox affords us […]

CS 347: Lab 4 – Applying the Box Model

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in a handful of exercises, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the screen sharer. Screen sharer, share your screen […]

CS 347: Project 1 – Handcrafted Site – due October 15

In this first project, you will create a website for a client using raw HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will not use any helper libraries or frameworks. Instead you will gain facility with the foundational elements of web development. Expectations Your site must meet the following expectations: You will create a website for a client […]

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