teaching machines

Final Project – Cricket ScoreIt

For my final project I wanted to create an easy way to keep score for the dart game cricket.  My roomates and I play on a non-electronic, cork dartboard so we have to keep score in order to play (and who likes to do math!)  In the end I ran out of time to add […]

CS491 – Final Project Design Document – Cricket ScoreIt

For the final project I wanted to do two things.  One, I wanted to create an app that I would actually use a lot and two, create something that was visually appealing and didn’t just contain the built in controls.  My room mates and I play the dart game cricket very often and the worst […]

MeHungry – kruegeba – Homework3

Imagine you are a poor college student.  You open up your fridge and see you have a very small selection of food.  Now with your trusty MeHungry app, you can type in specific ingredients that you have in your fridge/cabinet and it will return a wide variety of recipes that you can create using those […]


I made a simple note taking app the shadows the Rattler interface (due to time crunch).             Basically you are able to create simple notes to yourself that include a basic subject title as well as the body text.  The user is able to delete any note from the main screen by pressing on the […]

Homework1 – Quizzle

Overview: After bouncing around a few ideas, I finally settled on a simple quiz application in a bit of a “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” format (1 question, 4 answers).                            Right now I have 10 default questions loaded in the game.  A user can either cycle through the questions and answer specific […]

CS491 – Homework 0 – Snakes On A Phone

App Name: Snakes On A Phone Developer: Google (Open Android Project) Platform: Android Screens:                    Everyone’s favorite classic cell phone game is back in this exciting remake of snake.  I do not have an Android mobile device so I uploaded this game from the samples provided in the Android SDK.  When first loaded, the app […]