teaching machines

CS 145 Lab 2 – Math and String

Welcome to lab 2! If you have checkpoints from the last to show your instructor or TA, do so immediately. No credit will be given if you have not already completed the work, nor will credit be given after the first 10 minutes of this lab. You must work with a partner that you have […]

CS 145 Lecture 4 – Math Class

Dear students, Yesterday we had our first lab. I was very impressed by your positive attitudes toward learning and the way you helped each other. Lab days are a bit grueling for me, as I am on my feet from 8 AM to 5 PM being relied on by others, but your energy and friendliness […]

CS 145 Lecture 3 – Hello Again, Java

Dear students, We start today with a little segment I like to call What Does This Do?. I show you a short snippet of code, you slurp it into your brain, swish it around a few times, and figure out what it does. The task would be much easier if I picked good meaningful names […]

CS 145 Lecture 2 – Hello, Java

Dear students, Last time we peaked into a primary activity of computer science: organizing process. We started this adventure using Madeup, but today we’ll jump into Java, the language we will spend most of our time with this semester and next. Java is a language developed by Sun Microsystems. It surged to popularity because in […]

CS 145 Lab 1 – Variables and I/O

Welcome to the lab section of CS 145! Lab is a time intended for you to work on programming exercises in a low-stakes environment and with lots of help at your disposal. This is how it works: You complete a few checkpoints, which consist of short programming exercises. Questions are always fair game. Your instructor […]

CS 145 Lecture 1 – Main

Dear students, Welcome to CS 145: Introduction to Object-oriented Programming. This is the first course in the computer science major, but lots of other folks take it too. In fact, I will show a quick breakdown of all the different majors. What prompted you to take this class? Very few high schools teach such a […]

CS 145 Homework 7 – due before December 21

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 6 – due before December 9

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 5 – due before November 24

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 4 – due before November 11

See the PDF.

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