teaching machines

CS 145 Half-homework 2 – due before October 2

See the PDF.

CS 145 Lecture 7 – Random and Naming Our Code

Agenda what ?s grading twist weekly outside problems a parameterized circle a random parameterized circle methods a bunch of random parameterized circles hungry methods prepping data for mail merge TODO Attend the first SACM meeting. Several students will be speaking on their internship experiences from this past summer. Ask a thoughtful question of one of the […]

CS 145 Lecture 6 – Scanner and String

Agenda what ?s homework quiz in second half of lab hackathon (extra credit participation) close out computer as calculator computer as chef Scanner MADLIB how tall am I metrically? program this 1 String methods program this 2 Program This 1 Digital cameras are advertised in terms of how many megapixels are in the images they […]

CS 145 Lab 2 – Scanner and String

First, if you have checkpoints left over from last lab, get them inspected during the first 15 minutes of this lab. No credit will be awarded past these 15 minutes. Don’t forget to work in pairs! Where possible, please work with someone that you did not work with last week. The exchange of new ideas […]

CS 145 Lecture 5 – Problems

Agenda what ?s quiz in second half of lab on Monday 15 multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank based on readings, lectures what type is this? program this TODO Read chapter 2 through section 2.2. Write two or more questions that might be asked on the quiz on a 1/4 sheet. What Type is This? Average number of […]

CS 145 Lecture 4 – Types

Agenda what ?s lab impressions office hours what’s wrong with this types switching types What’s Wrong With This Code Declassignments.java Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 3 – Variables, Types, and Named Operations

Agenda what ?s program this concatenation variables types declarations declassignments printf named operations in the Math class TODO Start homework 1. Due before September 19. Program This How can one determine the position of a ball launched into the air? What does one need to know? Code Projectile.java NamedOperations.java Haiku

CS 145 Half-homework 1 – due before September 19

See the PDF.

CS 145 Lab 1 – Data and Operations

Welcome to CS 145, a class where you learn to teach machines. You won’t just use them. You’re going to become a developer. The lab portion of this class is a time for us to throw some problems at you and for you to clarify your understanding, collaborate with others, get things wrong, and ask lots of […]

CS 145 Lecture 2 – Expressions, Operators, and Variables

Agenda what ?s 3-minute reading review program this 1 statements vs. expressions arithmetic operators program this 2 TODO Set up your homework repository by following http://youtu.be/t5PZvkQeuF0. No 1/4 sheet. Go see Her in Davies this weekend. I have not seen this film, and I understand it has content that you may not be comfortable watching. Share your […]

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