teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 33 – Fold

Agenda what ?s program this bring * into the fold fold1 TODO Attend the CV Dev group meeting on Wednesday. Brad Candell of Group Health is speaking on regular expressions. Pizza at 5 PM, talk at 6 PM. They ask you to register so they can order enough pizza. See the Piazza post. Start the […]

CS 330 Homework 5 – Wasd – due before May 16

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 32 – Memoization and Folds

Agenda what ?s memoization in C++ the fold pattern TODO Funfun before Monday! The thingies have been pretty unreliable lately. If you are on Windows, I really recommend getting >=4 GB USB drive and installing Linux on it. The last assignment will require JRuby again. (You can run this stuff on Windows too, but you […]

CS 330 Lecture 31 – Composition and Memoization

Agenda what ?s composition in Haskell memoization in C++ memoization in Haskell TODO On Wednesday night at 7 PM, I am giving a talk on Madeup at the Acoustic Cafe as part of the Ask a Scientist series. Attend and provide some proof of attendance (a sketch of me with one of the presented models, […]

CS 330 Lecture 30 – Lambdas in Haskell and Composition

Agenda what ?s program this lambdas in Haskell associating with $ composing functions TODO On Wednesday night at 7 PM, I am giving a talk on Madeup at the Acoustic Cafe as part of the Ask a Scientist series. Attend and provide some proof of attendance (a sketch of me with one of the presented […]

CS 330 Lecture 29 – Lambdas in Java and Haskell

Agenda what ?s passing behaviors in pre-Java 8 Java 8 lambdas closures vs. anonymous inner classes Note Today we explore how behaviors were passed around in pre-Java 8 and how Java 8 improves upon this with lambdas. We’ll see how they can used in historic APIs like Thread and JButton. Lambdas are often used with streams, […]

CS 330 Lecture 28 – Lambdas

Agenda what ?s program this passing behaviors in C lambdas map and map! in Ruby TODO Read Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns and Why We Need Lambda Expressions in Java. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions, observations, or predictions about Java and lambdas. Note We start today with a little Program This, inspired by a supposedly […]

CS 330 Lecture 27 – Map, Filter, and Point-free

Agenda what ?s special case of list comprehension: map map examples filter pattern partial function evaluation point-free style TODO Read chapter 6 on higher-order functions in Learn You a Haskell for a Great Good. On a 1/4 sheet, write any questions or observations you have plus a function named fgmax that accepts two functions and a list. […]

CS 330 Lecture 26 – List Comprehensions and Map

Agenda what ?s list comprehensions translating between list comprehensions and loops (js2coffee) a special case of list comprehensions: map TODO Start the Funfun homework. Note Last time we spent most of the lecture discussing our Program This problem. So, it’s today that we jump into discussing list comprehensions. We start by looking at the template of imperative […]

CS 330 Homework – Funfun – due before April 25

See the PDF.

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