teaching machines

CS 245 Lecture 16 – Hashing

Agenda what ?s hashing implementing a hashtable the requirements of a key TODO Start and finish preassignment 2. Thailand is in upheaval. Sync on Bitbucket, and pull in Eclipse to get an updated SpecChecker. Code HashTest.java HashMaster.java StateQuiz.java Haiku

CS 330 Lecture 21 – Object-oriented Programming

Agenda what ?s homework 3 – due before April 4 textbook definition of OOP theorize this what does this do? Game of Life with Conditionals TODO Read http://www.insomniacgames.com/tech/articles/0308/three_big_lies.php. (This page rendered improperly for me; I had to highlight the text to read it.) Read http://hacksoflife.blogspot.com/2008/04/what-is-oop-good-for.html. What do you think? 1/4 sheet. Theorize This What Does This Do? […]

CS 330 Midterm

See the PDF.

CS 245 Lab 7 – Hashing

First, if you have checkpoints left over from last lab, get them inspected during the first 15 minutes of this lab. No credit will be awarded past these 15 minutes. Work in pairs, where possible. Prefer working with someone that you did not work with last lab. The exchange of new ideas and perspectives is […]

CS 245 Lecture 15 – Android

Agenda what ?s exam? an Android contacts app TODO Homework 2 later-week submission deadline is today/before tomorrow. Preassignment 2 is posted. Code … Haiku

CS 330 Final

See the PDF.

CS 330 Midterm

See the PDF.

CS 245 Preassignment 2 – due before March 31

See the PDF.

CS 330 Homework 3 – due before April 4

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 20 – C++

Agenda what ?s Bjarne’s philosophy C with Classes C++ inheritance a Function hierarchy one language? Think About This C with Classes Polymorphism without Conditions http://www.antiifcampaign.com http://www.refactoring.com/catalog/replaceConditionalWithPolymorphism.html Code Function.h SineFunction.h SineFunction.cpp graph_drawer.cpp Haiku

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