teaching machines

CS 1: Homework 0 – Part 1

Follow these steps to create your class homework repository and get homework 0 up and running. 1. Create a Bitbucket account In this class, all your code will be stored with the Bitbucket webservice. Using this third-party service has some nice benefits: Bitbucket maintains a complete history of your source code using some software called […]

CS 145: Lab 1 – Variables and Scanner

Welcome to the first lab of CS 145! Lab is a time intended for you to work on programming exercises in a low-stakes environment and with lots of help at your disposal. Read each of these out loud with your lab partner and check them off to acknowledge your understanding: You complete a few checkpoints, […]

CS 148: Lab 1 – Madeup and Project Euler

Welcome to the first lab of CS 148! Lab is a time intended for you to work on programming exercises in a low-stakes environment and with lots of help at your disposal. Read each of these out loud with your lab partner and check them off to acknowledge your understanding: You complete a few checkpoints, […]

CS 1: Lecture 1 – Introduction

Dear students, Welcome to CS 145: Programming for New Programmers or CS 148: Programming for Experienced Programmers! It’s important to me that we have a comfortable working relationship. We are, after all, on the same team. You wanted to prepare yourself for a bright future, and so you asked me to give you some homework […]

CS 396 – Junior Seminar

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: ~51 Lectures

CS 1 – Introduction to Programming

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: CS 145: ~90 CS 148: ~30 Lectures Labs for CS 145 Labs for CS 148 Homework Exams

CS 330 – Final

See the PDF.

CS 330 – Midterm

See the PDF.

CS 318 Final Presentations

https://kelseybrown.github.io/cs318/final (src) http://yoda.cs.uwec.edu/cs321/students/ehlersmj4814/cs318/final/index.php (src) https://farleysm8909.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://rileyj9084.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://gorellak.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://grosskjl2663.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://grossme5161.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://untrustedlife.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://hannaske.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://hayley09.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://ach0261.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://nickjohnston1625.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://jbmoss84.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://lathertb.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://lexamarie25.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://jonathan0606.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://michaeaj1.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://northke.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://travisnyhus.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://jamieorourke.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://quaranpn4020.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://sarknik.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://snelldj.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://swieciam5708.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://thaoamanda.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://meganzak.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://zimmerab.github.io/cs318/final (src)

CS 330 Lecture 39 – Exit

Dear students, Today we close out our formal exploration of the stuff of programming languages. This is what we said we’d look into in the syllabus: Recognize and exploit the strengths of three major programming paradigms: imperative, functional, and object-oriented. Reason about the strengths and weaknesses of various type systems. Weigh the costs and benefits […]

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