CS 318 Project – Mockups – due on March 27
Your next milestone in the project is to create mockups for each page of your site. You will then present these mockups to your client for initial feedback. Task 1: Create Mockups Use Moqups. As we did in lab, follow these guidelines to construct your mockups. Thoroughly communicate the structure, but not the content. Generally […]
CS 318 Project – User Study and Sitemap – due on March 1
Your next task in the semester project comes in two pieces: Conduct user studies on several existing websites similar to the one you will design. Compose a sitemap to describe the overall architecture of your site. We describe each of these in turn. Task 1: Comparable Site Test Identify and familiarize yourself with three sites that […]
CS 318 Project – Proposal – due on February 15
In this class, you are asked to apply what you’re learning by building a website for a client. The project is broken down into a series of milestones. The first milestone is to find a client and formally propose your project. Complete the following tasks to achieve this milestone. Task 1: Choose a Client Find […]
CS 491 Project Milestones
This semester you and your team will be dropped into a box. Calories will be dropped in one side of the box, and a game will pop out the other. The game will meet a call-for-games challenge issued by Filament Games. The game should be fun but also help its players achieve certain learning objectives. […]
CS 330 Homework – Funfun – due before April 17
See the PDF.
CS 330 Homework – Ractor – due before March 3
See the PDF.
CS 330 Homework 0, Part 3
In part 2, you created your homework repository on Bitbucket, cloned it on your local machine, and pushed local changes back up to Bitbucket. In this installment, you will learn how to pull changes down from Bitbucket to your local mirror. Pulling Suppose your home on for the weekend, and you get the craving to […]
CS 330 Homework 0, Part 2
Follow these steps to create your class homework repository and get homework 0 up and running. 1. Create a Bitbucket account In this class, all your code will be stored with the Bitbucket webservice. Using this third-party service has some nice benefits: they maintain a complete history of your source code using some software called […]
CS 330 Homework 0, Part 1
In this course, you will be completing your homework using the Linux operating system. The Department of Computer Science does provide some Linux servers that you can use, but your instructor asks you to install your own Linux image for a few reasons: You will learn more about a technology whose impact on our field […]