teaching machines

Blackbox 22

Blackbox 21

Madeup Talk at UWBC

Introduction Hi, folks. I’m Chris and I teach people to teach machines. Let’s start with a little exercise. I need two volunteers. [Recruit.] Person A will be the computer. Person B will be the programmer. Person A, your job is to do exactly what Person B tells you to do. And I mean exactly. If […]

Blackbox 20

Blackbox 19

Blackbox 18

Blocks and Beyond 2015

A couple of weeks ago I went to Atlanta for the Blocks and Beyond workshop. This conference brought together a bunch of folks working on blocks languages to discuss our current work and future directions. Since I have been implementing a blocks interface for my Madeup language and had some things to say about it, […]

SIGCSE Madeup Workshop

I submit a lot of papers, workshops, and grants. Many are rejected, but occasionally one will get accepted. Like this one, a workshop to be presented at SIGCSE 2016 in Memphis, TN: Abstract Madeup is a text- and blocks-based programming language for making things up—literally. Programmers write sequences of commands to move and turn through […]

Blackbox 17

Blackbox 16

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