CS 455 Lecture 4 – Transforms and Indexed Geometry
- what ?s
- translating
- scaling
- rotating
- indexed geometry
- On a quarter sheet, solve this matrix multiplication problem:
| 3 1 2| |2| | 2 0 5| * |4| |-1 3 -2| |6|
More important than the right answer is the mechanics of the multiplication. Show at least some of your work!
- With a partner: augment the second renderer to create some rotating non-plane geometric shape of your choosing. Some non-terrible parametrically-defined shapes include a circle, sphere, torus, cylinder, wave, random terrain, and so on. Rotate the object by passing in relevant uniforms to the vertex shader. Send a screenshot of your rotated object before next class.
- On your own: start the Gaussian Pox homework. Recall from the syllabus:
Homeworks do not technically have deadlines. However, no more than one homework may be submitted per week, and the first two homeworks must be completed before spring break.