teaching machines

bischetw hw 1

October 1, 2011 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2011, postmortems.

The app I wrote is called Questionize.

It’s basically just like everything else that’s been posted… at least 5 questions and such.

For my app, if a user gets a question wrong, the user can retry, try again later, or skip the question entirely.  When the user is done with the game he or she can click to be redirected back to the main activity.

A user can also add questions with the Add button on the first page.  The are validation things where if the user tries to input a question that has been put in before or questions with blank text then it’ll stop the user update the hint in the input box (informing of the error).

The main problem I had was keeping track of the Database I used.  I was simply too busy to look up how to implement an actual database and persist data, which is the method I was really holding out for, so my database tracking involves ArrayLists of Strings.  It really wasn’t fun.  Towards the end (if you look at my post time you can see what I mean) I was just trying to get the database of strings solidified with multiple activities that I began to write spaghetti code.  It’s really not pretty.  Definitely could do a better job in a future revision implementing SQLite whatever.

Also, making nice looking layouts is tricky.  Definitely something I want to look into more in the future.

Regardless, it was a great exercise and forced me to learn the hard way the issues of passing around data without any permanent files.