kozuchaj hw1
I wrote a basic math flash cards application. The user is greeted with a menu screen with basic info about the program, and a button to start playing. I tried to implement a settings menu attached to this screen but I couldn’t get it to open at all.
Once the use hits play they are given a brief intro screen on how to start doing math, and how to answer each problem.
When they start, random addition problems will appear in the middle of the screen. I had wanted to make the types of math, and the range of numbers a setting, but like I mentioned earlier I could not get my settings menu working. One they are going, they tap the screen anywhere in the middle to answer a question. A dialog box with a prompt for an answer comes up. This box will only accept numbers and will reprompt the user if they leave it empty.
If the user gets the problem correct, a toast appears to let them know, otherwise one wishing them better luck next time will appear. (We cant let our customers get too down on themselves for getting a flashcard wrong.) In the corners of the screen, you will also notice that it tracks how many cards the user has completed, as well as the numbers that are right, and wrong.
That is my application! I hoped I could do more with it (most likely will on my own time), but I did want to keep it simple to a point.