teaching machines

CS 488: Lab 2 – Matrices

January 29, 2021 by . Filed under graphics-3d, labs, spring-2021.

Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor.

Your instructor will bounce around between breakout rooms to check in with you. However, you are encouraged to request assistance if you find your progress blocked.

Designate one of your group to be the host. This individual will be responsible for setting up a Live Share session in Visual Studio Code and submitting your work. No team member should dominate or be expected to carry the group. All members should be writing code and contributing ideas.


Host, follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Click File / Open Folder, create a new folder, and open it.
  3. With the Live Share extension installed, select View / Command Palette, and choose Live Share: Start Collaborative Session.
  4. Copy the invitation link to your chat.

Non-hosts, join the session.


Your task in this lab is to implement transformations via matrices. Follow these steps to complete this lab: