teaching machines

kozuchaj hw3 Meme generator

November 7, 2011 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2011, postmortems.

For this homework I decided to work with an automated meme generator provided by: http://api.automeme.net/

Their service was really easy to use in all that I had to do was GET the results of one of the webpages listed on their website instructions. One problem I ran into was that they do not format their JSON correctly, they use […] instead of {…} (the latter being the correct way to format JSON) which was interesting because why would they call it JSON if they format it incorrectly. Regardless I was able to read the contents of the web page returned and create a new Meme object. From there all I really did was allow the user to create new Meme’s as much as they would like.

This is the start screen, blank Meme is shown, with a button at the bottom to create a new one.

This is the screen after the user has tapped the button.

The app will check for network connection, and if one is not present, or if one is and we are not connected, it will display an appropriate Meme.



If something otherwise goes wrong, a toast with an error message will appear and no new Meme will appear.

I hope this is actually what we were supposed to do for the assignment. Using the html scraping (if you would call it that) was rather simple for this api, but then again all it returned was a text string.