teaching machines

Final Project – Brian Kendzior – Cribbage Statician V1.0 (bringing it out of beta)

November 18, 2011 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2011, postmortems.

For my final project, I plan on fully implementing Cribbage Statician (my database project). Because of scope problems I was never able to fully implement multiplayer statistic tracking, which would be first on my wish-list. I would also like to be able to track players scores throughout the game on a graphical representation of a cribbage board. Another feature I’d like to add would be a “what do I do” feature that would allow users to take a picture of their cribbage hand, and give them tips on which cards to discard based on probabilities of which card is likely to be flipped, and whose crib it is currently (not having an android device of my own may make this part challenging, but implementing the statistics generator and allowing users to simply select their cards may be possible…). Finally, if time permits, I want to off-load the cribbage databases to an online web service so that players can create a username and password, and log into the cribbage scores database to keep track of their scores and compare scores with other players around the world.

While there are plenty of android apps that allow you to play cribbage with your phone, hardcore cribbage players want to play with real cards (and real probabilities, not generated ones). Once fully complete, I hope to be able to market this app to serious cribbage players to more easily track their scores and fine-tune their playing to fully maximize their point generation.