CS 145 Lecture 21 – Our own objects
- command-line arguments
- writing an NDeckerBurger class
- writing a class:
- Figure out what it needs to do. (Methods.)
- Figure out what its persistent state is. (Instance variables.)
- Figure out how to initialize the state. (Constructor.)
- midterm 2
package lecture; public class CommandLineArguments { public static void main(String[] args) { // for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { // System.out.println(args[i]); // } System.out.println(args.length); for (String arg : args) { System.out.println(arg); } } }
package lecture; public class NDeckerBurger { // Instance variables private int nDecks; // Constructor public NDeckerBurger(int givenDeckCount) { nDecks = givenDeckCount; } // Methods public int getCheeseCount() { return nDecks; } public int getBaconCount() { return 4 * nDecks; } public int getDeckCount() { return nDecks; } public int getBunCount() { return nDecks + 1; } public double getKetchupOunces() { return 2.4 * nDecks; } public double getCalorieCount() { return 41 * getBaconCount() + 31 * getCheeseCount() + 211 * getDeckCount() + 27 * getBunCount() + 10 * getKetchupOunces() / 0.4; } public void fuse(NDeckerBurger other) { nDecks = nDecks + other.nDecks; } public static void printBoo() { System.out.println("boo"); } public static void main(String[] args) { NDeckerBurger breakfast = new NDeckerBurger(32 + 10); NDeckerBurger wifesBreakfast = new NDeckerBurger(14); breakfast.fuse(wifesBreakfast); System.out.println(breakfast.getDeckCount()); System.out.println(breakfast.getCalorieCount()); NDeckerBurger.printBoo(); } }
- Complete homework 3.
- Read chapter 8.
Args see the world
But the ladies want stable
So now I’m instance
Args see the world
But the ladies want stable
So now I’m instance