teaching machines

HNRS 304.503 Lab 2 – Interactive Fiction

September 17, 2012 by . Filed under fall 2012, honors 304.503, labs.

Your task is design a work of interactive fiction, with these guidelines:

Here are some resources you might consider as you try to translate your dreams into the language of Inform 7:

Riddle Example

"Arithmetic Riddle" by "Bill Dollar"

The Testing Center is a room. "Sterile flourescent light fills the room."

The Tester is a person in the Testing Center.

Instead of asking the Tester about something:
	say "'What is 2 + 3?'"

Instead of answering the Tester that:
	say "No."

Instead of answering the Tester that "[five]":
	say "Correct.";
	end the game in victory.

Understand "tell [someone] [text]" as answering it that. Understand "tell [someone] that [text]" as answering it that.

Understand "5" or "five" as "[five]".

The interaction:

Arithmetic Riddle
An Interactive Fiction by Bill Dollar
Release 1 / Serial number 120917 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib 6/12N) SD

Testing Center
Sterile flourescent light fills the room.

You can see a Tester here.

>ask Tester about his summer
“What is 2 + 3?”

>tell Tester 6

>tell Tester 5


*** You have won ***

Getting player input

See http://inform7.com/learn/man/Rex194.html#e194.

Stopping all actions but looking and open eyes a quality is met

"Release" by "Bill Dollar"

Open eyes is a truth state that varies. Open eyes is false.

The Lab is a room. "[open eyes][if open eyes is true]The lab is full of computers.[otherwise]Your eyes are closed.[end if]"

fooboo is an action applying to nothing. Understand "fooboo" as fooboo.

Understand "open eyes" as fooboo.

Carry out fooboo:
	now open eyes is true.

Instead of doing anything other than fooboo, looking when open eyes is false:
	say "Not gonna do it.".