teaching machines

U and I – Corey Schulz

September 22, 2012 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2012, postmortems.

My app is a simple color picker.

The main activity has three input boxes for red, green, and blue values. After the text is submitted (the enter key), the background updates to be the resulting color.









There is also a “Full Screen” button that starts an activity with no content other than a colored background. The background starts as whatever values were in the main activity. The user can swipe their finger on the screen to change the color. Choosing save from the options menu will place the color’s rgb values in the main activity’s text boxes and return to that activity.









I learned that, unlike buttons, calling setResult from an options menu does not end the activity. You must call ‘finish’. Also, setting a text view’s text to an int will crash the app, even though the program compiles.

I tested the app on my Motorola Electrify.