teaching machines

UandI – Morrissp

September 22, 2012 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2012, postmortems.

This app is made to be an order form and log book. I used buttons, Textviews’ for labels, Edittexts’ for inputs, and also included a set of radio buttons. For my main activity i used a vertical linear layout with many horizontal linear layouts on it, which was simple and easy but tedious. I included a TableLayout in my log book Activity, which was much less code. Implementing the Edittexts took longer than expected because if i left them blank they wouldn’t show up at all. To be honest i haven’t really figured this problem out but i got around it by starting with some dummy data.  Another problem i ran into was passing a custom made class between activities. I scratched the Order class  model i had and settled to use an ArrayList of strings with the data separated by commas. One of the things i had to learn to get this to work was how to create widgets in the activities onCreate method – this is how i create my log table dynamically. I realize this of goes against requirement #1, I hope you’ll understand.

Here is the start up screen:  And here is the log: