Build Script for a Unity Android Project
Having learned how to integrate my Android code and resources with Unity, I went looking for a way to simplify the migration of my files to my Unity project. (I found repeatedly exporting a JAR and copying over the manifest and resource directories painful.) The result was this Ant script, which drops the class files, manifest, and resources directly into my Unity project.
<project default="build">
<!-- Set this to your top-level Unity project directory! -->
value="D:/rezcycle" />
<!-- All Android files will be placed inside Assets/Plugins/Android. No
need to touch this. -->
value="${project.dir}/Assets/Plugins/Android" />
<target name="build">
<!-- Make the assets directory in our project. -->
<mkdir dir="${assets.dir}" />
<!-- Copy over the manifest. -->
todir="${assets.dir}" />
<!-- Copy over the raw files in res/ and assets/. -->
<copy todir="${assets.dir}">
includes="res/**" />
includes="assets/**" />
<!-- Produce a JAR file of all your pre-compiled classes. Don't bring
R stuff. -->
<jar destfile="${assets.dir}/custom_android.jar">
excludes="**/R.class,**/R$*.class" />
I drop this in to my top-level Android project directory in Eclipse, naming it build.xml. Eclipse knows how to run Ant files, so I simply run as “Ant Build”.