teaching machines

Name Generator

September 15, 2011 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2011, postmortems.

I borrowed my friend’s android for this assignment, and ended up picking the free Pornstar name generator app, created by a Jeremy Guo. Don’t worry, despite the name, this app is completely harmless. There is absolutely nothing graphic about the application (it really is almost all text, and three option buttons).

How do new users learn to use the app? Well, there are three option buttons. Male name, Female name, and a “Surprise me!” option (the third one really isn’t all that surprising). And then there’s a “generate name and profile” button. Clicking that does exactly what it says. The only thing not intuitive about the application is that none of option buttons are selected at startup.

What sort of controls/widgets are used in the interface? Are they appropriate? Three option buttons and a button are the only widget. There’s a textview to display results as well.
How does the app exploit the mobile platform? Touch screen controls.
What does the feedback from other users tell you? With a score averaging at 2.5 stars, the app is a waste of time. There’s a limited amount of names it can generate, and it apparently doesn’t work on all intended platforms.
How does it compare to other apps meeting similar needs? After 2 seconds of investigation, I found that nothing provides the same service, and anything anywhere close is NSFW.
Stress test the app. Can you break it? There was nothing to break. Mashing the generate button didn’t push the limits.
How does money play a role in the app? It’s free. And it’s free because if you had to pay to find out your pornstar name should be “Bunny Delicious” or “Rushmore Butts”, then you were clearly ripped off.
