teaching machines

Cameron Bjorklund – Persist

November 3, 2012 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2012, postmortems.

My app is designed for two people (maybe a significant other) living together and want to keep count on each others costs so that they remain even.  Basically, after you are done shopping for mutual groceries, or maybe you share a car and you bought the gas, you add that to the database. Whenever you want to “square up” with the other person you can query the database and get the difference/2 (It is divided by 2 because I am assuming you and the other person each owe half of whatever was placed in this app) and figure out who owes who what money to remain even.

On the main screen you input your name (no more than 2 different names allowed in the database), the thing you shopped for, and the cost of it. After hitting insert, it will place it in the database and clear the editText boxes. If you hit delete or update it will get you a list view of the entire database at that point in time. If you are in the delete activity on a long click it will delete that entry and update the listView. If you are in the update activity and long click a item, it will replace all text within that row with whatever you have in the 3 editText boxes in MainActivity. If you click query it will give you who owes who how much at that given point in time.

During the creation of this app, I got a huge refresher in SQL. Also I learned a lot about how to interact with the database. By the end I was fairly comfortable when pulling out or deleting or updating the information within the database very easily. Also I learned a lot about listViews and filling them from a sqllite database.