Feature 6
The implementation of water by itself wasn’t all that hard. However all the videos that lead up to the water video were assigned to my partner and I didn’t have time to view those yet. So going through all of those videos to find what I needed was a bit time consuming, but glad I had to go back and watch them because there was definitely some things I was missing.
Other than that the only problem I ran into was making the water look realistic. I think I still failed at the color scheme, but it looks more natural now. Looking at it now, I probably shouldn’t have chose a night sky as my skybox when everything is lit.
What I ended up doing was inverting the colors so the sky was white and stars black. Then when the sky was multiplied by the blue it became blue, but the stars remained black. Then I inverted the colors if all 3 values were less than 0.8.
Then after taking these pictures I didn’t like that color blue for water so I tweaked it a bit for the video.
Also I need to make the size of the water a bit smaller so it forms around the center of the map where it is hilly to make it not look like it is floating at the edge at the end.