Getting a List of Forks of a Bitbucket Repository
A friend of mine handles the distribution and submission of homework assignments in an elegant manner:
- He creates one source repository on Bitbucket for an assignment, committing to it any scaffolding code that he provides to students.
- Each student forks his repository. The student makes the fork private, so only he and the student can see it.
- The students work work work.
- My friend clones each student’s repository at the homework deadline. Whatever was last pushed gets graded.
I think this idea is great. I’d been using a submission directory on our students’ file server. This method had its deficiencies: students worked in one directory but submitted to another, causing synchronization confusion; students’ code was locked up in university storage behind a VPN; and reliably offering read and write access to the share for both Windows and Linux was as likely to happen as us getting a new building.
This next semester I will be adopting my friend’s approach. The only thing I saw missing was a way to get a list of all the students’ repositories to make checkouts quick and painless. The following Ruby script was my solution. Given a Bitbucket user and the name of repository owned by that user, it collects the names of all the repository’s forks using Bitbucket’s API and assembles them in a simple CSV format. The script uses basic HTTP authentication to gain access to the user’s repository metadata.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: bbforks
# AUTHOR: Chris Johnson
# DATE: Dec 17 2013
# A script for amassing the names of all forks of a Bitbucket repository and
# exporting them in CSV format.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'json'
if ARGV.length != 2
STDERR.puts "Usage: #{$0} user repo"
exit 1
user = ARGV[0]
repo_slug = ARGV[1]
nresults_per_page = 100
page_link = "{user}/#{repo_slug}/forks?pagelen=#{nresults_per_page}"
# Get the password of owner of original repository. Do not echo password
# characters to the console.
`stty -echo`
STDERR.print 'Password: '
password = $stdin.gets.chomp
`stty echo`
STDERR.puts ''
forks = []
# Grab the pages of fork listings from Bitbucket. A single request may not grab
# all forks, as Bitbucket paginates the result. A single page has the following
# form:
# {
# values: [
# {
# full_name: 'forking-user/forked-repo-name',
# is_private: <true-or-false>,
# owner: {
# display_name: 'Firstname Lastname',
# ...
# },
# ...
# },
# <fork2>,
# <fork3>,
# ...
# ],
# next: <link-to-next-page-of-forks>,
# ...
# }
# If there is no next page, key next will not appear.
# Currently, we retain only the path to each repo and the owners' names.
while page_link
uri = URI page_link
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => true, :verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) do |http|
request = uri.request_uri
request.basic_auth(user, password)
response = http.request request
body = JSON.parse response.body
page_link = body[:next]
body['values'].each do |fork|
STDERR.puts "#{fork['full_name']} is not private!" if !fork['is_private']
forks << {repo: fork['full_name'], owner: fork['owner']['display_name']}
# Emit the listing of forks in CSV.
puts "owner,repository"
forks.sort_by {|fork| :repo}.each {|fork| puts "#{fork[:owner]},#{fork[:repo]}"}