CS 145 Lecture 8
- an example animation
- finish summing
- compound booleans
- logical operators && and ||
package lecture; public class Summer { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(sum(100)); } public static int sum(int n) { int runningTotal = n; while (n > 0) { n = n - 1; runningTotal = runningTotal + n; } return runningTotal; // return 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n; } }
package hw1; import cs145.s2011C.hw1.Animator; import cs145.s2011C.hw1.Figure; public class Animation { public static void main(String[] args) { Animator animator = new Animator(); Figure figure = new Figure(); figure.turn(90); // animator.register(figure, 0); // // figure.turn(1800); // animator.register(figure, 10); takeStep(figure, animator, 0); takeStep(figure, animator, 5); takeStep(figure, animator, 10); takeStep(figure, animator, 15); takeStep(figure, animator, 20); takeStep(figure, animator, 25); takeStep(figure, animator, 30); animator.show(); } public static void takeStep(Figure philJedSteve, Animator animator, double startAt) { philJedSteve.bendLeftLeg(45); philJedSteve.bendRightLeg(-45); animator.register(philJedSteve, startAt + 0); philJedSteve.bendLeftLeg(-90); philJedSteve.bendRightLeg(90); animator.register(philJedSteve, startAt + 2.5); philJedSteve.bendLeftLeg(45); philJedSteve.bendRightLeg(-45); animator.register(philJedSteve, startAt + 5); } }
- Read section 4.1.
Boole, that cleaving knife
good/bad, married/single, bah!
“It’s complicated”
good/bad, married/single, bah!
“It’s complicated”