teaching machines

borglimj hw1

October 4, 2011 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2011, postmortems.

I decided to make a quiz machine that is generated dynamically by the user.

On the home page you can choose to add categories to your quiz.  Such as math, science, random questions.  You can create as many categories as you would like.  Whats your satisfied with the number of categories, its time to start adding questions.  However, before you add the questions, you need to choose a current category.  Click the Choose Category buttun and a list of all categories will apear.  Once you choose a category you can click the add question button to start creating your questions.  If you do not choose a category you cannot add a question.

Unimplemented Part

Once you have Enough questions added you can take the quiz.  You can only take one quiz at a time and there is a different quiz for every category.  The questions are ran through in random order.