teaching machines

Timing Android voice recognition

November 30, 2011 by . Filed under public, reader animated.

I was curious whether the EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS value affected the time it takes to get voice recognition results back to an Android device, so I ran a couple of quick tests. In the first, I spoke the phrase “Binky the ball bounced away” a few times each for different EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS settings. I tried 1, 5, 20, 50, and 100. For each speaking, I timed in milliseconds how long it took to get the results. For this phrase, the number of maximum results did not appear to matter:

Timings to get different maximum numbers of results for the phrase "Binky the ball bounced away."

Next I tried a slightly longer phrase pulled from Nick Montfort’s Twisty Little Passages. Capping the limit to just one result yielded good response times, but I’m not convinced the cap was the contributing factor, as I was able to achieve similarly low times for the other values. Perhaps the network cleared at that moment. Nonetheless, I did see a lot more variety for this windier “passage”:

Timings to get different maximum numbers of results for the phrase "As an interactive experience, Amnesia quickly runs into difficulties."