teaching machines

HW F.4 – Hannah

March 30, 2013 by . Filed under cs455, postmortems, spring 2013.

Hola! I have completed feature 4 by adding a skybox to my scene. Copying the code from Chris’s video wasn’t difficult. HOWEVER, trying to cut up a skybox cube map that I stole from online (props to Roel z’n Boel by the way) most definitely was. No matter what I tried (varying selections, cropping, scaling, rotating, etc.), I kept having seams show up in my scene. I finally got it to a point where the horizontal images don’t have any seams, so I figure that’s sufficient, but sadly, there are still a few seams around the sky and the ‘floor.’

Here are a few images of my scene with a sky:





















And here is a video of me swirling around on my scene with my sky:
